I got my first iPod in 2003 at Gatwick airport on my way
back to Italy after a summer working in the UK as a pre sessional lecturer at
Sheffield Hallam University. It soon became a tool I was using in my listening
lessons where I would prepare activities mainly around songs up until I was able to record my own files and
import course book tracks. I would say that my iPod was a clear example of Tech
1.0 as it was a great source of unidirectional help as the level of interaction
the tool afforded users was reduced.
On closer analysis of the iPOD (the first model I had along
to the latest one: iPOD Video) and its affordances and limitations it can be
said that the level of anonimity offered depends on the users and the authors
of any information to be conveyed through it.
With the advent of the iPhone, all of the content which was confided to
the iPOD is now available in it so I still use my iP'hone'OD in class along
with speakers or by connecting it to the smart screens we have when visual/video
input has been incorporated into the plan.
Unfortunately, asynchronous
communication was not an option for my first iPOD and only became available
when it evolved into a later version which integrated access to the internet mainly
via email and then social networks. Rapid
feedback, private communication and
sequential or joint result as
intended in a web 2.0 context was also not possible initially so 'feedback' had
a more limited definition and was also restricted to face to face interaction in
the classroom while using the technology, private communication simply was not
possible as there was no access to the web and for the same reason
sequentiality was prevented. Of course, these limitations changed with the
later models which included these added features even if initially it was still
a culture of individual and unidirectional interaction with the gimmick. The one affordance amongst all limitations
mentioned above is probably the one I actually think was and still is essential
in my learning: ability to review. I believe this ability to review can be intended
from two different perspectives each in line with web 1.0 and 2.0 concepts. The
former is related to the fact that it provided me, the individual user, with
the possibility to constantly review and revisit the contents therein. The
latter, once access to the web was a reality redefined the concept.
Nowadays, although still available iPODs are fast becoming
obsolete because of the their own affordances. As Sir Ken Ronbinson said in one
of his TED Talks on education reform and technology - his daughter does not
wear a watch anymore because all it does is give the time when her iPhone is
multipurpose. iPhones and smart phones
now incarnate this very concept of 'Portable On Demand' limitless possibilities in one single
device, which is both exiting and unsettling.
Cecilia's question post comment - could the degree to which an individual embraces such a culture clash with that of other individuals? and if so what is the effect (if any) of the clash on personal/working/learning relations?
Cecilia's question post comment - could the degree to which an individual embraces such a culture clash with that of other individuals? and if so what is the effect (if any) of the clash on personal/working/learning relations?
My answer -Thank you Cecilia for your comments and questions. I think
that the degree to which individuals embrace the smart phone culture has clear
effects on everything else they do as it clashes to varying degrees with how
they relate to others, work or learn. The very fact that we can now 'phub'
people, that is, snub them in a social setting by interacting with your phone
is more worrying than funny. As with everything in life, I believe, the key is
striking a balance where our social relationships even inside the home are
protected from this invasive phenomenon. And I'd like to add that it does not
have to be the latest piece of technology the one that creeps in and slowly
eats up your f2f social interactions, the 'old' TV screen can do that. Here in
Italy it seems to be commonly accepted to have a TV set in the kitchen - we
have 3 in our home! and to have it on while having a meal!? I am a culprit
myself for easily embracing this habit which on reflection can steal precious
conviviality moments of value time from intimate moments like those of sharing
a meal!
This, I also believe, extends to how we work and learn. I
personally find that even at work I'm often sending emails and sharing
information with teachers in the room next door! And when learning - although I
must confess I do not see a problem with this one - I find information at my
finger tips is attractively deceitful as one link leads to another and so on so
becoming aware of and able to avoid the time-bending spiral trap this offers
requires having been there and trying to get out of it while keeping your
In short, it is the collaboration/social
interaction that both Victoria and Barbara mention what provides in, IMHO,
the possibility to keep the subtle isolation 'smart' tech can easily lead to.
And as Carry Bradshaw once said in Sex and the City: 'So close and yet so far
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